Cherise Duncan

Administration Manager

Bigger does not always mean better.

Quality is meaningless without SERVICE.
Bigger does not always mean better.

Pro Act Fire Services cc has proved

it’s a commitment to the people it serves and

is now poised

to apply its successful formula

to other public and private portfolios.

Pro Act Fire Services cc will continue to foster

the creation of innovative partnerships

with the public and private sector

to mobilize fire safety to one and all.

What Services We Offer

Professional advise on relevant issues will only be a phone all away.
Work will be conducted on site and if needed to remove any equipment from site, loan-units will be supplied.

Fire Equipment Service

Hose reels, Hydrants, CO2, DCP & Water extinguishers

New Fire Equipment

We can supply and install all your fire equipment requirements

New Safety Signage

We can supply and install all your safety sign needs

Fire Safety Tips for Your Home

Fire detectors save lives

Install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and remember to charge the batteries.

Create an escape plan

Ensure all members of the family know the emergency exits at home in case of fire.

Switch off appliances

Double check and make sure appliances are not left running after use.

Monitor your extinguishers

Constantly check your fire extinguishers and replace as necessary.

Clean vents and dryers

Clean lint filters after use and ensure all vents are unobstructed.

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